Team Values / Disclosure

2024 Tennis Team Values & Disclosure

Team Identity

We are athletes! We are a competitive sports team! We do what athletes do! We do what competitive sports teams do!

Team Motto 

 "Trust the Process"  

We are concerned with mastering tennis serves, strokes, and strategy. We do not let our desire to win a point or a match get in the way of developing our game. We will sacrifice wins to stay true to the process. When we trust the process we will reach greater heights. 

Team Values

Commitment to Team Values. 

Violations of team values will result in consequences. Minimal violations will result in running laps (example: not helping pick up balls being unprepared for practice. ) Serious violations will result in dismissal from the team (example: missing matches/ practice, dishonesty and etc. )


SCHEDULE:  The schedule can be found HERE , The schedule is subject to change due to inclement weather. 

TEAM COMMUNICATION: Our team communicates through a group messaging app called GroupMe ( players can use phones or computers to receive important team updates and communicate with the team. Parents are also welcome and encouraged to join the team chat. Please contact me with your name and cell phone number and I will add you to the group. 

PLAYER REGISTRATION & PHYSICAL EXAMINATION – Within the first week after tryouts, players should register on and complete a physical examination to be eligible for the first match of the season. More information about how to do this can be found at

GRADES - District and State policy is that you have a 2.0 with no more than 1 F. Students are expected to be to EVERY class on time and be model citizens. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary actions. Attendance reports will be sent to the coach consistently from the school secretaries. Players with an unexcused absence from even 1 class the day of a match will not play that day.

EQUIPMENT – Players should be equipped properly for tennis practice and matches. Equipment needed: tennis racquet, tennis shoes (any athletic shoe is fine), athletic clothing (shorts, pants, jacket, depending on the weather), water bottle, overgrips, snacks (matches can extend into dinner hours), and a tennis bag to hold this all in (any backpack will do).

PRACTICES- Practices will be held from 2:30- 4:30 Monday through Friday (except when there are matches). Practices are REQUIRED. You MUST inform the coach 24 hours in advance that you cannot participate for practice or a match. Excused Absences include illness, injury, and funerals. Unexcused absences include work, vacation, and other extracurriculars. 

MATCHES - Generally speaking, all Varsity and Junior Varsity Players are guaranteed to play on match day (assuming good weather). Alternate players are not guaranteed a match, this might be due to lack of court space/ time or the opposing team not having enough players. 

PLAYERS AT MATCHES – All players MUST support the team until the END of the match. All players are required to take the bus home.  I can approve you to go home after talking with your parents or guardian but this should be rare and for a good reason. Players are expected to actively support  team members that are still competing.  

PARENTS AT MATCHES – Parents are encouraged to watch and support your player and the team. Tennis matches can be intense and dramatic. Please be a polite and respectful spectator. Do not yell out disagreement with line calls, or disrespect opposing players or coaches. Do not talk to players during match time or offer advice or coaching (this is against competition rules). Do not step onto the court at any time during a match.  Do not approach the opposing team coach with any issues you may have regarding play: this should go through your player’s own team coach. Many of you are new to the world of tennis, please read through the generally accepted tennis etiquette and rules. 

FEES We do our best to keep fees as low as possible. Bus transportation, jerseys, hoodies, hats, practice balls, games balls, snacks, and the occasional meal add up over the season. This year's fee calculates out to be about $250 per athlete. This cost does not need to be paid all at once. You may contact the school bookkeeper and set up a pay schedule if that is more convenient. If a student is currently on a fee waiver for class fees, this fee will also be covered. 

We will work to provide opportunities for students to make money to cover fees. In the past, opportunities to work concessions and concerts have been made available to student-athletes to help pay for fees, I will forward any opportunities when they become available.  I recommend crowdfunding from friends and relatives by setting up a gofundme page, and finally we will be looking into a Krispy Crème fundraiser, where students can sell donuts to cover fees.  

HOW TO “LETTER” IN TENNIS - Play a varsity match. Attend all matches, 80% of the practices, and team functions. Contribute meaningfully to the team, demonstrating exemplary sportsmanship and conduct throughout the season. Note: Lettering is not dependent on a number of wins although outstanding play is taken into account. Varsity players of all grades qualify if they meet the above criteria. The Head Coach will make the final determination on Lettering candidates and awards.

P.E. CREDIT - Some players want to earn PE credit for tennis. To do this, you will have to meet with me first and go over the contract to do this. The requirements to earn PE credit are more intensive than lettering. If you do not meet with me and sign the contract before the season, I will NOT sign your form to receive PE credit at the end of the season.

 Let’s have a great season!

Alex George

Tennis Head Coach